Help your children grow
Our dedicated Church Family worker, Helen Stockton (above) runs a packed programme of activities to help the whole family. If you want to know more about any of the activities outlined below, please contact Helen on 07715 419 886 or via our contact form.

Our programme consists of the following:
First Steps Baby and Toddler Group
Tuesdays 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Term Time)
First Steps is a friendly group that meets every Tuesday morning (term time) 10:00am - 11:30am. It includes free play (inside and outside) , healthy refreshments and a short Bible story and singing time for pre-school children from birth ( 0 – 4 ) and their grown ups. The group is free but we do ask for a weekly donation of £1 to cover costs of refreshments and craft resources etc where this is possible.
Friday Club
Fridays : 5:30pm – 7:00pm (Term Time)
Friday Club is a lively church group for primary aged children in Years 1 - 5. At Friday club the children enjoy games, action songs and a Bible story all around a theme which changes each half term. The aim of Friday Club is to help the children find out about the Christian Faith and the love of Jesus. The group is free but we do ask for a weekly donation of £1 to cover costs of refreshments and craft resources etc where this is possible.
Parents, carers and siblings are invited to join the children for Family Friday Fun at the end of each half term for an evening of craft, singing, quiz and food.
Youth @ RBC
Alternate Wednesday evenings 5:30pm – 7:30pm (Term Time)
Followers – Followers is for young people in Y6 – Y9. At present, for children moving up from Friday Club.
CREW - Crew is for young people in Y10-Y13, for young people moving up from Followers.
In these groups we spend time playing games, eating a freshly cooked meal and learning about Jesus together. We warmly welcome new members to these groups, so please do get in touch if your young person is interested in joining. A contribution of £1.50 is gratefully received to go towards food costs, for those that feel able.
Family Services
Family Service, when everyone stays together. This is a relaxed interactive time for all ages, please check the calendar for dates (currently we aim for one Sunday morning every two months)