Patricia Wray 1947 - 2021

Link to Pat's funeral service held 5th May 2021
It is difficult to over-estimate the contribution that Pat made to Rothwell Baptist Church, and the impact she had on church life. To most of the visitors who came to the Church during the week, Pat was the Church. She was the one who met them at the door with a smile, chatting with them, making everyone feel welcome and special. Pat was the master of crafts both to the young people in Friday club and the ladies who would gather each Monday for “Monday Club”, started and run by Pat. Pat’s calm and peaceful demeanour revealed her closeness to God, whom she loved and served for many years.
It feels strange that when we start using the Church building again Pat will not be there and I expect we will uncover many things that Pad did, which no one ever noticed. Our building has a lovely welcoming feel to it and that in no small part, is due to Pat.
Pat was a great wordsmith and her poems have brought delight to many. She visited Finland, helping a Christian organisation called “Jippiimissio” by editing their translated children’s songs (150 of them); she will be much missed by them. Pat hand wrote this prayer on the back of a postcard depicting a morning scene on Derwent Water.
Meet me
in the morning
in the freshness of my youth.
Meet me
as I’m searching
for the way, the life, the truth
Meet me
at the corner
where the paths of life divide
meet me
on the hillside
where you bled for me and died
Meet me
in the garden
where the stone was moved away
Meet me
At the door of heaven
On that day
We have started a memorial fund which will be dedicated to causes dear to Pat. If you would like to give to the fund, please use the link below.